About the New Ad Age

Greetings World!

I am Alvin and I come from the sunny island called Singapore.

I am currently studying Media and Communications in University of Melbourne.

I have a great fascination for advertising and media ever since my first Power Rangers commercial on TV and would actually stay glued to the screen even during commercial breaks. Till now, I still find advertisements entertaining. Especially the bad ones. I have since pursued Media as my line of studies. My first footprint in Media was in a creative agency where I worked as a freelance designer for print advertisements and have later moved on to work in a media agency for 2 years as a digital media planner.

I love media as a whole but my interests lie more specifically in the advancements of media and the effects and products it has produced for advertising. We are now in the era of new media where we see traditional media companies offering digital alternatives to their content. Likewise, the advertising opportunities have shifted exponentially toward fusing print with screen. We see more and more companies desperately trying to get a piece of the online pie and blindly pouring money to get ads on the trending and popular sites without a sound strategy or messaging.

In my blog, I would be giving my take on the advancements of media and advertising technologies and sharing some case studies of effective advertising campaigns in this new ad age. All this in an effort to learn and explore the capabilities of media and advertising.

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